I had no idea when I had a child exactly how time consuming it is to raise a newborn. I think it's one of those things that you can't really know until you do it yourself. I had delusions of spending my maternity leave learning spanish, reading books, crosstiching and cooking all of these new and gourmet recipes for the first time. Instead my house looks like a disaster area, I'm constantly covered in spitup and my hubby is lucky if he gets a frozen pizza for dinner.
Jacob was born on Feb. 21, 2010. He's now approaching six weeks old and we seem to be getting some sort of a routine established. I'm finally finding the time to cook though all of the other things I wanted to do are still on hold - I suppose it's because I have to eat everyday and I assume I might as well make it worth wild - at least it makes me feel productive.
I've always loved to cook and I love trying new foods and methods to create them. I constantly collect recipes from magazines, friends, family and my cookbook collection is slowly overtaking the nursery bookcase! So here I will document what I'm cooking - the successes, the failures and feedback showing what I would do different if I thing the recipe is worth attempting a second time. Enjoy!
Green Chili Chicken Noodle Soup
3 days ago
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